| 1. | Three gordian knots in the western exploitation 西部地区人力资源开发的三大症结
| 2. | It is your intelligence that cuts the gordian knot which we cannot untie 是你的智慧一举解开了我们无法解开的难题。
| 3. | This paper introduces an effective solution about the gordian knot of question 针对这个非常棘手难解决的问题,本文提出一种高效的解决方案。
| 4. | The deceased old man did not leave a will and the distribution of his property was a gordian knot 故世的老人没有留下遗嘱,他的财产分配是一个大难题。
| 5. | The new chief found it so hard to cooperate with his staff members that he decided to cut the gordian knot by replacing them all 新来的头头发觉很难和他的下属合作,他决定快刀斩乱麻把他们统统换了。
| 6. | The new chief found it so hard to cooperate with his staff members that he decided to cut the gordian knot by replaciing them all 新来的头头发觉很难和他的下属合作,他决定快刀斩乱麻把他们统统换了。
| 7. | By cutting the gordian knot in this way , astrophysicists have been able to build theoretical models of accretion disks to compare with observations of actual disks 用这方法简化难题,天文物理学家就能够建立吸积盘的理论模型,以便与实际圆盘的观测比较。
| 8. | The old stock had deteriorated and was all mixed up so the manager decided to cut the gordian knot , sell it all as scrap , and re - stock with new materials 库存品已经变质,而且全都搞混了,因此经理决定快刀斩乱麻,把它们当作废品出售,然后重新储藏新的物资。
| 9. | The tea place of business that two bosses run , firm the business is very prosperous in the begining , but after spending a few months , was issued by their correct a vicious person manipulating sb or sth from behind the scenes , the business at a draught with respect to cold and cheerless come down , then they wanted to sell this tea place of business , but then the individual has say outside 3 to 4 , make the person that has fun at originally flinchs , i want to ask , who can help them solve this a gordian knot 两位老板经营的茶庄,刚开始时生意很红火,但过了几个月后,被他们的对头下了黑手,生意一下子就冷清了下来,于是他们想把这个茶庄卖了,可那个人有在外面说三到四,使本来有爱好的人都望而却步,我想问问,谁能帮他们解决这个棘手的问题