| 1. | They chummed up with the sons of other graziers . 他们和其它牧场主的儿子们是好朋友。
| 2. | The instantaneous deaths of many powerful enemies , graziers , members of parliament , members of standing committees , are reported 有人报告说,众多劲敌牲畜业者下院议员常务委员会委员当即死亡了。
| 3. | Walking about with his book and pencil here s my head and my heels are coming till joe cuffe gave him the order of the boot for giving lip to a grazier 他手执帐簿和铅笔踱来踱去,光动脑子,五体不勤。到头来由于顶撞了一位畜牧业者,被乔卡夫解雇拉倒。
| 4. | It is impossible to separate so entirely the business of the grazier from that of the corn - farmer as the trade of the carpenter is commonly separated from that of the smith 木匠的职业与铁匠的职业,通常是截然分开的,但畜牧者的业务与种稻者的业务,不能象前者那样完全分开。
| 5. | Graziers are accused of over - stocking and siphoning off water for their own use without paying for it , while cotton growers are accused of coveting an over - allocation from the upstream burrenjong dam 放牧人被指责是牲畜饲养过量,从湿地中引水自用却不支付任何费用;同时,棉花种植者也被指责一心只想从布瑞钟水坝上游装置分水引入装置而导致的后果。
| 6. | Graziers are accused of over - stocking and siphoning off water for their own use without paying for it , while cotton growers are accused of coveting an over - allocation from the upstream burrenjong dam 畜牧业者被指控是过度储存和取用水做为私用却不支付应付的金额;而另一方面产棉业者被指控为自布瑞钟水坝上游开始,转化成一种过度布建棉田的经营方式。