例句与用法 | 1. | It came greaseless to the table so i knew there was a good vietnamese chef in the kitchen 上到桌上时,这道菜没一点油脂,我便知道厨房中的越南师傅身手不凡。
| | 2. | The results indicate that the extract showes strong anti - oxidation activity and protection to greaseless food 结果表明,紫苏乙醇提取物具有较强的抗氧化性,且对油脂食品具有较好的保护作用。
| | 3. | Maintains skin moisture , supplements nutrition and moisture , keep skin moist and greaseless , and repairs dry , coarse and hard skin 含肌肤长时间清润保温,补充肌肤养分和水分,清润而不油腻,针对干燥、粗糙、有硬块的肌肤而设。