| 1. | How is that greaser of yours up on osterman's stock range ? 你们那个澳斯特曼牧场里的混血儿怎么样啦?
| 2. | Move , will ya , you iazy bunch of greasers 快来好吗,你们这些懒东西
| 3. | And say the one : i seen you up faithful place with your squarepusher , the greaser off the railway , in his cometobed hat 我认为你最好不这么过度地替自己开脱。
| 4. | Edy boardman bickering . and say the one : i seen you up faithful place with your squarepusher , the greaser off the railway , in his cometobed hat 骂骂咧咧地接着,那家伙说: “我瞧见你在弗思富尔广场跟你那个戴睡帽的浪荡汉铁道涂油工一道鬼混啦。 ”
| 5. | Every greaser has an ic card reader , so the driver can pay for the oil with ic card , and the measure department can examine some measure parameters and the precision of greaser 每台加油机上都装有ic卡读写器,加油时用户可用ic卡代替货币加油,计量部门可使用ic卡检测有关计量参数及校验加油机计量精度。
| 6. | Through using ic card replace cash and oil - ticket , and link with greaser that controlled by computer , we can build an auto sale - oil - system based on ic card that integrate the management of gas station " information and company ' s 其要点是使用ic卡代替油票和现金,与电脑加油机联机,建成集加油控制,油站信息管理,公司信息管理于一体的ic卡自动售油系统。
| 7. | As to lucy stewart , she quietly confessed to her origin and of her own accord spoke of her childhood and of the days when her father , the wheel greaser at the northern railway terminus , used to treat her to an apple puff on sundays 至于吕西斯图华,则平心静气地讲了自己的出身,她很乐意谈自己的青年时代,那时候,她的父亲是巴黎北火车站的加油工人,每逢星期天都让她吃上苹果酱馅饼。
| 8. | In the third chapter , with a view of the real - time and reliability and the saving of system resource , the system of asynchronous serial communication is designed successfully based on the multi - thread technology and message mechanism with delphi developing tool , the communication is very well between the greasers and the pc 第三章以实时性、可靠性以及系统资源节约为着眼点,采用delphi作为编程语言,成功的设计了基于多线程与消息机制的通信系统,实现了现场加油机和后台管理机之间及时可靠的数据传输。