| 1. | Mr. guppy has no eyes for either of these magnates . 格皮先生顾不上看那两位大人物了。
| 2. | It appears to the afflicted mr. guppy and his inconsolable friend, that there is no end to the dedlocks . 格皮先生感到心情沉重,他的朋友也感到兴味索然,在他们看来,德洛克家的人好象是没完没了。
| 3. | As is usually the case with people who go over houses, mr. guppy and his friend are dead beat before they have well begun . 就象人们平常参观房子那样,格皮先生和他的朋友还没有好好开始参观,就已经弄得精疲力尽了。
| 4. | All this time mr. guppy was either planing his forehead with his handkerchief, or tightly rubbing the palm of his left hand with the palm of his right . 在这段时间里,格皮先生不是用他的手绢擦额头,就是用右掌使劲擦他的左掌。
| 5. | Nigga i m a bullhog , guppies get worked like puppies by the bulldog 只想拥有你同渡未来陪伴著我相爱
| 6. | Ys has some of the best red guppy gene bank i have seen to date . Ys拥有迄今我所曾看过的最好的红鱼基因库
| 7. | Fish collectors pay from 19 cents for a guppy to $ 100 or more for hard - to - breed fish 养鱼爱好者可以为虹?支付19美分,也可能为某种难以繁殖的鱼付一百多美元。
| 8. | In virtual tank mode , buy a regular orange guppy from the store and name your fish " santa " 买一条最普通的,橙色的鱼,名字改为santa ,它就会变白色,还一边唱圣诞歌。
| 9. | The break flakes are easily digested and is deal for all small mouthed tropical fish , such as guppies , tetras and barbs 此产品可被迅速消化且对于小口的热带鱼更是理想饲料。
| 10. | In figure 3 , the user selected a peer named " guppy " and then displayed the resources available on guppy 在图3中,用户选择了名为" guppy "的peer ,然后显示guppy能够获得的资源。