| 1. | The small door opened and gus stepped inside the cage . 小门开了,葛斯踏进兽笼。
| 2. | Gus garver drove around and parked in back . 格斯加弗调过车头,把车在后面停放妥当。
| 3. | Leave me alone, gus . 让我清静一会吧,格斯。
| 4. | He avoided looking at gus, knowing gus could read him too well . 他避开格斯的目光,因为他知道格斯能够看穿他的心思。
| 5. | For a moment bigger contemplated all the "ifs" that gus had mentioned . 有一会儿工夫,别格琢磨着格斯所说的那些“要是。“
| 6. | Gus was a bachelor, and fdr enjoyed learning through him, how bachelors operated . 格斯是一个光棍,罗斯福喜欢从他那里打听光棍怎么打发日子。
| 7. | Gus in his red jacket and patent-leather boots, whip in hand, stepped to the door of the cage . 葛斯穿着红夹克,漆皮靴,手握长鞭,走到兽笼门前。
| 8. | Gus straightened and stared at bigger, then at doc who was looking out of the front window . 格斯挺直了腰,瞪着别格,随即又瞪着道克,道克正望着前面窗外。
| 9. | As he walked into the lobby, his insides tightened again with the thought of gus and blum's . 走进休息室时,一想起格斯和布鲁姆的铺子,他的五脏六腑又揪紧了。
| 10. | Gus stood without speaking and bigger felt a curious sensation-half-sensual, half-thoughtful . 格斯站在那儿一声不响,贝格感到一种奇特的感觉--一半是肉体上的,一半是精神上的。