中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.迸出物。 2.喷油井。 3.容易动感情的人;滔滔不绝的说话者。
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| an oil well with a strong natural flow so that pumping is not necessary
例句与用法 | 1. | The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher . 石油会沿着钢管上涌,如同自喷井那样喷射出来。
| | 2. | We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher . 我们力求避免那种陈旧的,富有浪漫色彩的喷油方式。
| | 3. | We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher . 我们力图避免那种有关喷油井的陈旧的、不切实际的计划。
| | 4. | We endeavor to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher , which wastes oil and gas . 我们力图避免那种有关喷油井的陈旧的,不切实际的计划,这种计划浪费油和天然气。
| | 5. | Good lord , it ' s a gusher 天啊,好多血
| | 6. | What a gusher 知道有什么涌出吗
| | 7. | We endeavour to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher , which wastes oil and gas 我们尽量避免使用陈旧天真的喷井方法,那样会浪费石油和天然气。
| | 8. | We endeavour to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher , which wastes oil and gas 我们力图避免那种有关喷油井的陈旧的,不切实际的计划,这种计划浪费油和天然气。