| 1. | Let john gutenberg beware of what he is doing . 让约翰谷登堡格注意他所做的事。
| 2. | One night john gutenberg worked until 4 o'clock at his printing press . 一天夜里,约翰谷登堡在他的印刷机旁一直工作到早晨四点钟。
| 3. | Let john gutenberg beware of what he is doing 让约翰?谷登堡格注意他所做的事。
| 4. | Joint application of gutenberg - richter formula and grey theory gm model to earthquake prediction 模型在地震预测中的联合应用
| 5. | One night john gutenberg worked until 4 o ' clock at his printing press 一天夜里,约翰?谷登堡在他的印刷机旁一直工作到早晨四点钟。
| 6. | Marshall mcluhan was the author of the gutenberg galaxy and other important works about modern mass media 马歇尔.麦克鲁翰著有《谷登堡星云》和其他关于大众传媒的重要著作。
| 7. | Many of the readings may be downloaded as excerpts in pdf format or , in complete form , from the project gutenberg site 指定阅读的节录或全部内容可由古腾堡研究网站上下载。
| 8. | Shakespeare , william . the sonnets . new york : penguin books , 2001 . ( download a version of the text from project gutenberg 《十四行诗》 .纽约:企鹅图书公司, 2001 . (从古腾堡计划那里下载一个原文的译本
| 9. | The invention of the printing press by johannes gutenberg in 1436 greatly simplified the manufacturing - and piracy - of books 1436年johannes gutenberg发明的活字印刷术大大简化了书本的印刷和盗版。
| 10. | For the last 550 years , it has been believed the johannes gutenberg was the inventor of movable type 一直以来,我们都相信约翰古腾堡是活版印刷的发明人,而古腾堡圣经的出版代表了人类首次采用活字印刷技术。