| 1. | When the beer is guzzled the process starts again 当啤酒被暴饮之后,这个过程再次开始。
| 2. | A gas - guzzling suv - ugh - from taylor ' s dad ' s dealership - 有一部双动力汽车作为抽彩的奖品为什么还要从taylor老爸的店里面
| 3. | A gas - guzzling suv - - ugh - - from taylor ' s dad ' s dealership - - 有一部双动力汽车作为抽彩的奖品为什么还要从taylor老爸的店里面
| 4. | He said that since suvs guzzle more gas , they were anathema to energy conservation efforts 他说休旅车很耗油,是能源节约的杀手。
| 5. | In the early 1970s , japan was shutting down its electricity - guzzling aluminum industry 在二十世纪七十年代早期,日本一直在关门耗电量大的铝工厂。
| 6. | With a fifth in me , when i guzzle remi i do shit on purpose you never hear me say , " forgive me 海上的风吹不散梦中的笑容天上的云载不走地上的心和乡愁
| 7. | The medical breakthrough proves that guzzling ale is not the only reason why men develop saggy stomachs 医学上的这一突破表明,男人们的啤酒肚并不完全是因为狂饮啤酒而造成的。
| 8. | It would boost firms hit by higher energy prices , such as the struggling manufacturers of gas - guzzling cars 它将会帮助那些被高能源价格打击的公司,如那些生产高油耗的汽车制造商。
| 9. | Ten states , such as gas - guzzling texas and car - making michigan , also back the epa ( see map ) 诗歌州政府,比如嗜油如命的得克萨斯州以及以汽车制造业为主的密歇根州,都支持环保委员会的恶观点。
| 10. | It has canceled many incentives devised to promote exports , especially for companies that guzzle energy and pollute heavily 该国还取消了很多出口鼓励政策,尤其是对能源消耗大和重污染型企业。