例句与用法 | 1. | To know gwendolyn brooks 认识布鲁克斯
| | 2. | Professor gwendolyn gong 江娟教授
| | 3. | Mink , gwendolyn . old labor and new immigrants in american political development : union , party , and state , 1875 - 1920 . 1986 《美国的政治发展中的老工人和新移民: 1875 - 1920年的工会、政党和政府》 1986
| | 4. | Gwendolyn hatcher , former inspector general of the city department of cultural affairs , told a federal jury that an outraged myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow 前[纽约]市文化局调查主任哈彻告诉联邦陪审团说:怒气冲冲的迈尔森带领着她的三个高级幕僚闯入她的办公室。