| 1. | I will be very heartless if you do . 要是你告诉他的话,那就太残酷无情了。
| 2. | That would be wicked, as well as heartless ! 那太罪过了,也太没有心肝了!
| 3. | Smile seemed heartless in its brilliancy . 她那容光焕发的微笑似乎是残酷的。
| 4. | Ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast . 帮塞毫无心肝,凶残犹如野兽。
| 5. | You must be quite heartless . 你真是太无情无义了。
| 6. | He was just shrewd and calculating and heartless . 他只是狡猾,善于计谋,而且没有心肝。
| 7. | You are the most selfish, heartless creature in existence . 你是世界是最自私、最没良心的家伙。
| 8. | You must be heartless ! 你也太丧尽天良了!
| 9. | If i didn't know you i might think you were heartless ! 要是我不了解你,我会认为你是一个没有心肺的人。
| 10. | Heartless circumstance could not leave entire gabriel's happiness of this morning . 无情的命运并没有离开今天早晨感到十分快乐的加布里埃尔。