| 1. | She imposed her ideas on the group . 她把自己的想法强加于全组的人。
| 2. | The judge imposed a fine of ten pounds on him . 法官判他交十英镑罚金。
| 3. | You shouldn't impose on his good nature . 你们不应该欺负他老实。
| 4. | This clearly imposes costs on individuals . 这当然会给个人增加若干费用。
| 5. | He imposed his presence on us for the weekend . 他硬要跟我们一起过周末。
| 6. | Social order is imposed by force . 社会秩序是靠武力强加于人的。
| 7. | The judge imposed a stiff sentence . 法官做出了严厉的判决。
| 8. | We must impose restraints on wage settlements . 我们必须对工资的协议加以限制。
| 9. | He still looked venerable and imposing . 他仍然显得那么德高望重,那么仪表堂堂。
| 10. | He has lost his imposing appearance . 他已失去堂堂仪表。