| 1. | Two of them will exhaust his income . 其中两点会消耗掉他的全部收入。
| 2. | We are struggling along on a tiny income . 我们依靠极少的收入过活。
| 3. | They lived beyond their income . 他们过的是入不敷出强撑门面的生活。
| 4. | The data on argentine incomes are sparse . 有关阿根廷国民收入的资料不多。
| 5. | Consequently, income per capita stagnates . 其结果,人均国民收入停滞不前。
| 6. | We can live beautifully on such an income . 我们可以靠这笔钱过得逍遥自在。
| 7. | My income is taxed at source . 我的收入已先行扣除了所得税。
| 8. | She gives private lessons to supplement her income . 她给私人授课以贴补收入。
| 9. | Real incomes have gone up by 10 % in the past year . 去年实际收入提高了10。
| 10. | Workers' incomes are not keeping up with inflation . 工人的收入赶不上通货膨胀。