| 1. | Inertia carried the car to the pavement . 惯性使汽车驶到了人行道上。
| 2. | The moment of inertia is not a simple concept . 转动惯量不是一个简单的概念。
| 3. | At first, appearances were kept up through sheer inertia . 起先,纯粹是以呆板的形式来装点门面。
| 4. | Momentum may be thought of as a quantitative expression of inertia . 动量可以被理解为惯性的定量表示。
| 5. | The particle motion is dominated by inertia and gravity effects . 粒子的运动是由惯性和重力作用决定的。
| 6. | The inertia term governing the motion of the fluid might be neglected . 支配流体运动的惯性项可略去不计。
| 7. | Are these trends not comparable with newton's law of inertia ? 这些趋势难道和牛顿的惯性定律不是很相仿吗?
| 8. | Inertia scalars are defined in terms of quantities called inertia vectors . 我们将用惯性矢量来定义惯性标量。
| 9. | The property of matter that gives rise to inertia is much more promising . 物质产生惯性的特性,还是很有价值的。
| 10. | Variations in the fluid density are neglected so far as they influence the inertia . 就对惯性项的影响而言,流体密度的改变是可以忽略的