| 1. | Habit, training and discretion were ingrained . 习惯、训练和谨慎是根深蒂固的。
| 2. | It must buck centuries-old, deeply ingrained japanese customs . 它必须突破世代相传,深入肌理的日本风俗习惯。
| 3. | Chastity was as deeply ingrained in them as party loyalty . 清心寡欲的思想象对党忠诚一样牢牢地在她们心中扎了根。
| 4. | It is absurd and revolting but so ingrained that no effort is sufficient entirely to destroy it . 这种心理荒唐可笑,然而它是如此顽固,任何意志也不能把它毁灭。
| 5. | These thoughts should be ingrained in your mind 这才是我们应该深植在心中的念头。
| 6. | She had an ingrained mistrust of politicians 她对政客有根深蒂固的不信任。
| 7. | Just ingrain it in your brain 只要把它深印在你的脑海中。
| 8. | However , mahjong culture is still deeply ingrained in the chinese community 然而,麻将文化在中国依然根深蒂固
| 9. | Many of its songs have become ingrained in american popular culture 歌剧中的许多歌曲都已经深深扎根于美国流行文化中。
| 10. | Ingrain into your website , your unique affiliate links , wherever you see fit 植入到你的网站,你的独特从属环节,你认为在哪里