中文翻译与英英解释 | a negotiator who acts as a link between parties 同义词:mediator, go-between, intermediary, intercessor,
例句与用法 | 1. | It is the demand of technology innovation mechanism under market economy to develop science and technology intermediators 大力发展科技中介组织是市场化技术创新机制的必然要求。
| | 2. | The intermediation conduct in courts in our country is a typical way of leading the nonlawsuits method in adr into lawsuits , that is , a judge performs some intermediation conduct between the two litigants as the intermediator 四、国内外相关制度的介绍、比较西方一些国家和地区像我国那样完全与审判过程融为一体的法院调解很难找到,但由法官主持以促成当事人达成协议为目的的纠纷解决程序却也常见。
| | 3. | Science and technology intermediators are the combination and extension of market intermediators and social intermediators , having the functions of optimizing the environment of technology innovation , accelerating the transformation of scientific and technolgical achievements into production , realizing efficient allocation of importent production elements and regulating the behavior of market subjects 科技中介组织是市场中介组织和社会中介组织的交叉和延伸,具有优化技术创新环境、加速科技成果向产业转移、实现要素优化配置、规范市场主体行为等功能。
| | 4. | As for the surface cultural discontinuity , the teachers should actively help the students to adjust to the new environment . encountered with deep cultural discontinuity , the teachers should work as the cultural " intermediator " , trying to avoid cultural conflicts in advance , and meanwhile leading th e students to the experiences of different cultures , so as to foster the students " ability of cross - cultural understanding and intuition 针对浅层文化中断,我们主张教师要主动帮助学生积极、有效地适应新环境和场景:针对深层文化中断,教师应以“文化调解人”的形象出现,避免强加于人,有预见性地减少文化冲突的发生,同时,合理引导学生体验跨文化的相互理解,培养学生跨文化的理解与直觉的能力。