| 1. | This method is known as time-domain ip . 这种方法称为时间域激发极化法。
| 2. | Ip surveys aimed at finding the extent of a vein being mined . IP测量的目的在于寻找正在开采的矿脉的延伸。
| 3. | In practice, this effect constitutes a background for ip mineral surveying . 实际上,这种效应构成了IP矿产调查时的背景场。
| 4. | The purpose of ip logging is to determine the depth and geometry of the polarizable bodies . IP测井的目的在于确定极压体的深度和形状。
| 5. | this value △ vipo is equivalent to an overvoltage caused by the ip phenomenon. Vipo这个值相当于由IP现象引起的过电压。
| 6. | These stray currents usually have a higher frequency (50-60h2 harmonics) than those used in the ip frequency technique . 这些游散电流的频率(5060H2及其谐波)通常比IP频率域法中用的频率要高。
| 7. | Non-metallic ip is a supplementary parameter distinguishing certain categories of rock and could certainly furnish valuable information for geologic mapping . 非金属IP是区分某些种类岩石的一个辅助参数,肯定能给地质填图提供有价值的资料。
| 8. | Network traffic is made up of ip packets or simply 网络流量由ip信息包(或,简称
| 9. | Method to improve ip layer ' s throughput base on end driver 层转发能力的提升方法
| 10. | Routing ip nat add delete addressmapping 接口公用地址池中添加或删除一个地址范围