中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.【医学】黄疸;黄疸症〔如肝炎〕。 2.妒忌,猜忌;偏见。 vt. (-diced; -dicing) 1.使产生黄疸。 2.使妒忌,使猜忌,使成偏见。
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| a rough and bitter manner 同义词:bitterness, acrimony, acerbity, tartness, thorniness,
| | yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood; can be a symptom of gallstones or liver infection or anemia 同义词:icterus,
| affect with, or as if with, jaundice
| | distort adversely; "Jealousy had jaundiced his judgment"
例句与用法 | 1. | He was suffering from a sharp attack of jaundice . 他患的是急性黄疸病。
| | 2. | Post-transfusion jaundice may occur . 可发生输血后黄疸。
| | 3. | His social position jaundiced his view of things . 他的社会地位使他对事情的看法持有偏见。
| | 4. | Abdominal swelling or pain and jaundice are the presenting symptoms . 腹部胀满或疼痛和黄疸是本病的症状。
| | 5. | A symptom, not a disease, jaundice simply announces that something is wrong with me . 黄疸是一种症状,不是一种病,只能说明我有毛病了。
| | 6. | She saw him now with jaundiced eyes, and told herself that at last she had discovered his true colours . 如今她以偏见的眼光打量他,并对自己说她终于发现了他的真实面目。
| | 7. | Jaundice is more often the result of hepatic infiltration than invasion of the extrahepatic bile ducts by tumor . 黄疸发生是由于肝内浸润所致,比因肿瘤压迫肝外胆管而引起的更为常见。
| | 8. | To the jaundiced eye , all things look yellow 黄胆病人的眼睛里,什么都是黄的。
| | 9. | She developed jaundice and a fever of 39 . 5 degree c 她出现黄疸和39 . 5的发热。
| | 10. | Nursing of jaundice newborn baby patients in phototherapy 新生儿黄疸蓝光治疗的护理