| 1. | Let us join in that tender office . 让我们一同来参加这件棘手的事吧。
| 2. | A few moments later andrey joined her . 没有多久安德烈也来到她跟前。
| 3. | He was too proud to join in our fun . 他很高傲,不屑同我们一起玩儿。
| 4. | The grand canal joins the haihe at tianjin . 大运河在天津与海河汇合。
| 5. | Let us join hands and advance together . 让我们携起手来,共同前进。
| 6. | The road joins the motorway at newtown . 该路在纽敦与高速公路连接。
| 7. | No third ever joined our conferences . 没有第三者曾参加我们的会议。
| 8. | She tried to join the two pieces together . 她设法把两块拼在一起。
| 9. | He and jim are joined by two tricksters . 他和吉姆遇到了两个拐子。
| 10. | The two armies joined forces and marched on . 两军会合后继续前进。