| 1. | Mr. elton must compose his joyous looks . 厄尔吞先生必须保持他欢乐的神色。
| 2. | They conveyed the joyous news to us soon . 他们把这一佳音很快地传递给我们。
| 3. | A joyous warmth began to relax his body . 一股可人的暖流渐渐熏得全身舒畅了。
| 4. | Everybody is joyous and carefree . 人人欢欣快乐,无忧无虑。
| 5. | Convey the joyous news to her as soon as possible , please . 请尽快把这一福音告诉她。
| 6. | The joyous unbelieving word sings through the car . 令人快乐得难以相信的话,象歌声传遍了整节车厢。
| 7. | The lively dance heightened the joyous atmosphere of the scene . 轻快的舞蹈给这场戏渲染了欢乐气氛。
| 8. | With lighted face and joyous eyes she persecuted me . 她那张神采奕奕的脸孔和那双充满喜悦的眼睛折磨着我。
| 9. | There is something frank and joyous and young in the area . 这个地区处处给人以豪放,乐观和蒸蒸日上的感觉。
| 10. | Like the gods of the greeks, he would be strong, and fleet, and joyous . 他会强壮、迅捷而又欢乐,如同希腊的诸神。