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发布时间:2021-01-26 作者: 英语查

jpl 是什么意思


JPL=Jet Propulsion Laboratory 〔美国〕喷气推进实验所。


1.Jpl scientists admit the idea is " aggressive , even audacious " , but are convinced that it is both practical and feasible
该实验室科学家承认,这个想法是“有闯劲的,甚至是大胆的” ,但它既实际又可行,很有说服力。

2.This may also be hot enough to produce the possible precursors for life , said the study ' s lead author , dennis matson of the jet propulsion laboratory ( jpl ) in pasadena / pe - se - di - ne / , california
加州帕萨迪那市的喷气推进试验所的丹尼斯& # 8226 ;马生,作为这项研究的领导,说这个温度也足够构成产生原始生命所需的物质条件。

3.Since the technology of intelligent control was first used in the spacecraft in the 60 ' s 20th century by jpl laboratory , the high performance of spacecraft autonomy has been one of the important goals pursued by the spacecraft designing engineer

4.Text 15 - - para . 4 six years of relatively sparse data from a fledgling network of global positioning system ( gps ) deformation monitors , that had been developed and installed around southern california by scientists at jpl and other organizations , had detected that earth ' s crust was being squeezed closed across the ventura basin
通过全球定位系统监控仪? gps和其他机构的科学家将这一系统安装在南加利福尼亚?提供的六年不太充分的数据已经表明地壳在温图瑞盆地附近受到挤压

5.In perhaps the most unusual proposal of all , scientists from nasa ' s jet propulsion laboratory ( jpl ) in california are proposing to build a probe that uses heated water jets to descend to depths of up to a hundred meters through the frozen ice caps at the martian poles inn search of organic matter
在或许是最不一般的建议的倡导下,加利福尼亚州航空航天局喷气推进实验室( jpl )的科学家们正在计划建造一台探测器,使用热水射流穿透火星极地的冰帽,深入到100米以下,搜寻有机物质。

6.Autonomous formation flyer technology developed by jpl is used three receiving antennas and one transmitting antenna are installed on each satellite each of satellites can transmit analog gps signal but more accuracy . the multiple receiving antennas on the every satellite are capable of acquiring precise pesudorange and carrier phase signals transmitted by other satellite and compose of a kind of onboard augment gps system
在文中,利用jpl提出的自主编队飞行技术aff ,在每个编队卫星上安装一个发射天线和三个接收天线,每一个发射天线可以发射类似于gps的高精度伪距和载波信号,与其它卫星上的多个接收天线构成星载扩展gps系统。

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