| 1. | The scanner is sometimes called a lexical analyzer . 扫描程序有时又把它称为词法分析程序。
| 2. | A commentary on bilingual lexical representation model 双语词汇表征模型研究进展
| 3. | A study of the chinese lexical education in japanese 以中日同形词为主要研究对象
| 4. | Opens a new lexical scope in the current method 在当前方法中打开新的词法范围。
| 5. | The features of lexical exercises in global english 环球英语词汇练习题的特点。
| 6. | On the methodology of the lexical reconstruction by gui fu 桂馥证义的方法论研究
| 7. | Cognitive theory and second language lexical acquisition 认知理论与二语词汇习得
| 8. | The local variables within the current lexical scope 当前词法范围内的局部变量。
| 9. | Lexical meanings evolvement of quot; shua quot; in yan zi chun qiu 的词义演变谈起
| 10. | Gets the parent lexical scope of the current scope 获取当前范围的父词法范围。