| 1. | You see, madrid goes about its business as usual . 你瞧,马德里照常进行工作。
| 2. | In madrid there was open jubilation . 马德里在欢心鼓舞。
| 3. | He decided to write it while still in the atmosphere of madrid . 他决定趁着还在马德里的时候来写这篇文章。
| 4. | The approach to their battle stations lay through the streets of madrid . 他们到战斗岗位去的路线经过马德里街道。
| 5. | For three days an appeal went out to the people of madrid through press and radio . 有三天工夫,通过报纸和电台向马德里市民发出了一个呼吁。
| 6. | He therefore showed little interest in the gestures of active solidarity from madrid . 因此,他对于马德里的这副积极拉拢的姿态并不怎么感兴趣。
| 7. | Bethune read the news from china as he had once followed the communiques from madrid . 白求恩阅读从中国传来的消息,正象他曾一度注意马德里发表的公报一样。
| 8. | I could spend all day every day at the stalls of the book fair, if i ever could have any time in madrid . 我在马德里只要有时间,可以每天整天都消磨在这些书摊上。
| 9. | What i saw that day in madrid was tame compared to what happened in italy and brazil . 我在马德里那天的所见所闻与发生在意大利和巴西的情况相比,只不过是和风细雨而已。
| 10. | I could not help but remark on the difference between the spirit of madrid and that of valencia or barcelona . 我忍不住提起马德里与巴伦西亚或是巴塞罗那在士气上的区别。