| 1. | And this may be called magnanimity . 这也不妨说是器量大。
| 2. | This may be called magnanimity . 这也不妨说是器量大。
| 3. | Her magnanimity provoked his tears; he wept wildly . 她的宽宏大量惹起他的眼泪,他发狂地哭着。
| 4. | We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity . 我们曾经向他们天生的正义感和雅量呼吁。
| 5. | In spite of this magnanimity dorothen was still smarting . 尽管表现得这么宽宏大量,多萝西娅还是有些伤心。
| 6. | With a little more magnanimity on the part of rome, there need never have been a renewal of the struggle . 罗马方面气量稍微大一些,就决不会重启战端了。
| 7. | His magnanimity to foes, his generosity to friends will be talked of as long as manly qualities are honored . 他对敌人宽大,对朋友慷慨。只要豪侠的品质受到尊崇,他便会一直为人传颂。
| 8. | How to get knowledge from the magnanimity data 如何从大量的数据中提取“知识”呢
| 9. | You might curb your magnanimity ( john keats 你可以收敛一下你的宽宏大量(约翰?济慈) 。
| 10. | Gules or red - military fortitude and magnanimity 红色军人的坚忍与刚毅,高尚的行为。