中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.诅咒,诬蔑。 2.诽谤 (opp. benediction)。 短语和例子 utter a malediction诅咒。
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| the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult); "he suffered the imprecations of the mob" 同义词:imprecation,
Malediction is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or unhappiness will befall another person or persons, a magical phrase or word uttered with the intention of bringing about evil, a curse |
例句与用法 | 1. | Shakespeare ' s remains were guarded by a malediction 莎士比亚的遗骸被诅咒给守护著。
| | 2. | One ' s reputation may be blackened by the maledictions of irresponsible people 一个人的名誉,有可能被不负责任的人的诽谤给抹黑了。
| | 3. | Passepartout shook it , but with no perceptible effect ; for neither shaking nor maledictions could prevail upon it to change its mind 别人叫他去看晴雨表,可是晴雨表上的水银柱一点也没有上升的意思。
| | 4. | Five minutes afterwards the piano resounded to the touch of mademoiselle d armilly s fingers , and mademoiselle danglars was singing brabantio s malediction on desdemona 五分钟以后,钢琴声在亚密莱小姐的手指下又响起来,接着腾格拉尔小姐的歌声也传了出来。
| | 5. | And , whatever people may say , " continued caderousse , in his native language , which was not altogether devoid of rude poetry , " i cannot help being more frightened at the idea of the malediction of the dead than the hatred of the living . 而不管别人怎么说, ”卡德鲁斯用他那种充满庸俗的诗意的乡谈继续说道。 “我却总觉得死人的诅咒比活人的仇恨更可怕些。 ”
| | 6. | Being much less cool - headed than mr fogg , he was much more restless , counting and recounting the days passed over , uttering maledictions when the train stopped , and accusing it of sluggishness , and mentally blaming mr fogg for not having bribed the engineer 他把过了的日子数了又数,算了又算,咒骂火车不该遇站便停责怪火车走得太慢,还暗自埋怨福克先生没有许给司机一笔奖金。