| 1. | The shape of walrus evolved out of the manatee species 海象的外形是从海牛物种里演化而成。
| 2. | We ' re trying to save manatees 我们正尽力挽救海牛
| 3. | One thing both elephant , manatee and walrus have in common is massive body size 大象、海牛和海象都有一个大而重的身体尺寸。
| 4. | Eleven honor the manatee , an endangered sea animal found in that state 有11所是以该州发现的一种濒临灭绝的海洋动物海牛来命名的。
| 5. | Eleven honor the manatee , an endangered sea animal found in that state 该州十一所学校是用一种濒临灭绝的海洋动物? ?海牛来命名的。
| 6. | Eleven honor the manatee , an endangered sea animal found in that state 11所是以海牛来命名,它是该州发现的一种濒临灭绝的海洋动物。
| 7. | Eleven honor the manatee , an endangered sea animal found in that state 11所学校以海牛? ?一种在那个州发现的濒临灭绝的海洋动物来命名。
| 8. | Elephant is related to walrus and manatee as an aquatic counterpart to our species 大象与海象和海牛有关,它们是我们物种的水生配对。
| 9. | West indian manatee drifts through crystal - clear water in a north florida spring 一头西印度海牛正在北弗罗里达州晶莹剔透的泉水里畅游。
| 10. | There used to be a lot of manatees , but now they have become endangered animals 过去的确有许多的海牛,但是现在它们已成为濒临绝种的动物