| 1. | He killed mart wiley, a deputy sheriff, at a lost nation kitchen-dance two years ago . 两年前他在边陲地区的一次厨房舞会上杀死了副长官马丁威利。
| 2. | They drive chevrolets , shop at wal - mart . . 他们开廉价车,在廉价超市买东西
| 3. | What countries does wal - mart have stores in 沃尔玛在世界上的哪些国家有连锁店?
| 4. | London developed into the general mart of europe 伦敦发展成为欧洲的综合市场。
| 5. | Who ' s looking after the kwik - e - mart while you ' re gone 你们离开便利店后谁来看管
| 6. | On behalf of spend mart , i ' d like to apologize 我代表消费商业中心,向您道歉
| 7. | Anything else unique to just wal - mart 仅仅只针对沃尔玛的独一无二的其他细节?
| 8. | Queen street cooked food market and stanley waterfront mart 皇后街熟食市场及
| 9. | Lt can happen anywhere . - wal - mart 任何地方都有可能-我们这有间大型购物商场
| 10. | Canadian fish and seafood at rt - mart in nei - hu 世界上最好的人参:加拿大人参