| 1. | He looked at her with masculine approval . 他以一种男子气概欣赏地看着她。
| 2. | There was only one masculine face . 人群中只有一张男性的脸。
| 3. | She has a deep masculine voice . 她具有男人一样低沉的声音。
| 4. | You have a masculine good sense . 你有强有力的健全理智。
| 5. | She presented an intriguing combination of feminine looks with a masculine mind . 人们在她身上看到了女子的容貌、男子的志气。
| 6. | She was envied by all as the first who enjoyed the luxury of a masculine partner that evening . 她头一个享受到和男舞伴跳舞这种福气。大家都嫉妒她。
| 7. | It was not in masculine human nature, she thought, to miss an opportunity of exulting over a vanquished foe . 她认为,不在打败了的对手面前欢欣鼓舞不是男人们的天性。
| 8. | Eleanor had grown more conservative and didn't like seeing hicky slopping around in masculine pants and old sweater . 埃莉诺变得更加保守,不喜欢看见希姬穿着男式裤子和旧毛衣到处跑。
| 9. | The actual world, to say nothing of the infinite universe, demanded a sterner, a real masculine character . 但这个现实世界--且不说广袤无限的宇宙吧--需要的却是一个男人,一个真正的男子汉。
| 10. | Traditionally , if the sex of the person is unknown , the masculine pronouns he , him , his have been used to refer to both females and males . 按照传统用法,若性别不详则用阳性代词he,him,his指男性和女性。