| 1. | All living matter undergoes a process of metabolism . 生物都有新陈代谢。
| 2. | The liver is the centre of metabolism in the body . 肝脏是全身代谢的中心。
| 3. | Metabolism is a complexity of chemical reaction . 代谢是各种化学反应的综合。
| 4. | Bile is produced as a byproduct of liver metabolism . 胆汁是肝脏代谢活动的副产品。
| 5. | Folic acid metabolism has been shown to require potassium . 已经证明,叶酸代谢也需要钾。
| 6. | Persons with diabetes suffer from improper metabolism of sugar . 糖尿病人的糖代谢受到阻碍。
| 7. | Antibiotics can cause disorders of water and salt metabolism . 抗菌素能引起水、盐代谢的紊乱。
| 8. | A large number of inborn errors of metabolism are known in man . 人们了解到在人类中存在大量的先天性代谢缺陷。
| 9. | Certain other elements are needed in trace amounts for cell metabolism . 细胞的新陈代谢还需某些其它的微量元素。
| 10. | Quantitative information on these aspects of protein metabolism is scarce . 有关这方面的蛋白质代谢的定量知识是贫乏的。