| 1. | Are they metabolized to more toxic compounds . 它们是否被代谢成毒性更强的化合物?
| 2. | After several days, the enclosed atmosphere was tested for radioactivity, which might indicate that the nutrients had somehow been metabolized . 几天之后,测验封闭在里面的空气是否有放射性。如果有的话,说明营养物质多少已经产生代谢变化。
| 3. | Our bodies constantly metabolize the food we eat 我们吃的食物在体内不停分解产生代谢变化
| 4. | Your body can take the time necessary to metabolize fats 你的身体需要足够的时间来把脂肪代谢掉。
| 5. | Analyzing the metabolizing of the hing energy phosphate and sports retirement 浅析高能磷酸盐的代谢与运动性疲劳
| 6. | The study of china herbal additive metabolize mechanisms on feedstuff in piglet 复方中草药添加剂对仔猪饲料代谢动力学的研究
| 7. | Ll chromium / vanadium : helps insulin metabolize fat and converts sugar into energy 帮助胰岛素代谢脂肪,及把醣类转化为能源。
| 8. | Studies on the sucrose - metabolizing enzymes in navel orange fruit from different habitats 脐橙在不同生境下果实蔗糖代谢相关酶的研究
| 9. | Roles of sucrose - metabolizing enzymes in accumulation of sugars in satsuma mand arin fruit 蔗糖代谢相关酶在温州蜜柑果实糖积累中的作用
| 10. | C . drug metabolism and drug - metabolizing enzymes . d . biochemical pharmacology of toxins , hormones , and transmitters 4毒素激素和递质的生化药理