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发布时间:2021-03-23 作者: 英语查

metrazol 是什么意思




1.We have studied pharmacodynamics of valepotriates through observing its effects on the times of spontaneous motion in mice , the sleep time of sodium pentobarbital ( superthreshold doses ) , sleep rate of sodium pentobarbital ( subthreshold doses ) , the number of writhes induced by acetic acid and seizures rate of metrazol . the experiment results proved that valepotriates could significantly decrease the times of spontaneous motion , prolong the sleep time of sodium pentobarbital ( superthreshold doses ) , enhance the sleep rate of sodium pentobarbital ( subthreshold doses ) , reduce the number of writhes induced by acetic acid and reduce the seizures rate of metrazol , so it showed high central inhibition effect , thus offer scientific foundation for its further exploitation and utilization

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