| 1. | It could not pass through material impervious to water such as mica . 它不能通过云母这样的不透水的物质。
| 2. | To this class of substance belong mica , porcelain , quartz , glass , wood , etc . 属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等。
| 3. | The mica test pieces were prepared by cleavage so as to be atomically smooth . 云母试样是用劈裂的方法制备的,因此可以达到原子级的平滑程度。
| 4. | The surface energy of mica cleaved in vacuum is about ten times that of mica cleaved in air . 在真空中剖开的云母的表面能比在空气中剖开的云母的表面能大十倍左右。
| 5. | Advances in the research of mica pearlescent pigment 国内外云母珠光颜料研究进展
| 6. | Specification for glass mica boards for electrical purposes 电工用玻璃云母板规范
| 7. | Fixed mica capacitors for use in electronic equipment 电子设备用固定云母电容器
| 8. | Insulating materials based on mica methods of test 以云母为基的绝缘材料试验方法
| 9. | Classification for natural muscovite mica splittings 天然白云母的剥离片的分类
| 10. | Mica tapes - polyimide film - backed mica paper tapes 云母带.聚酰亚胺薄膜粉云母带