| 1. | Technical drawings - requirements for microcopying 技术制图对缩微复制原件的要求
| 2. | Recommendations for preparation of copy for microcopying 缩微复制准备推荐标准
| 3. | Technical drawings - requirements for microcopying 技术制图.缩微复制的要求
| 4. | Technical drawings - requirements for microcopying 技术图纸.缩微复制的要求
| 5. | Specification for 35 mm microcopying of maps and plans 地图与设计图的35mm缩微复制规范
| 6. | Technical drawings - requirements for microcopying iso 6428 : 1982 技术图样.缩微复制要求
| 7. | Microcopy resolution test chart no . 2 缩微复制清晰度第2号试验图表
| 8. | Optical glass waveguides microcopy is a new promising technology based on spm 摘要光波导显微术是在表面等离子波显微术( spm )基础上的一项新技术。
| 9. | Scanning electron microcopy images show that metal nickel or cobalt are uniformly deposited on the surface of carbon nanotubes 扫描电镜结果表明金属镍、钻沉积在碳纳米管表面上。
| 10. | Histology : the study of the structure of tissues by means of special staining techniques combined with light and electron microcopy 组织学:以特殊的染色技术以及光学显微镜和电子显微镜检查、研究组织结构的学科。