| 1. | The technology and features of special millet wine 我国特种黄酒的工艺及其特征
| 2. | Review on research and development of proso millet protein 冀黍一号黍子新品种选育报告
| 3. | She steeped the tonic in the yellow millet wine 她把这补品泡进了黄酒里。
| 4. | Improving the determination method of tartrazine in the millet 小米柠檬黄色素测定方法改进
| 5. | A discussion on the rice - millet blended zone in the neolithic age 新石器时代粟稻混作区初探
| 6. | Determination of amylose in grains of rice , maize and millet 水稻玉米谷子籽粒直链淀粉测定法
| 7. | The reproduction and storage of broomcorn millet germplasm in china 中国黍稷种质资源的繁种入库
| 8. | New summer millet variety jigu12 with high yield and disease resistance 高产抗病夏谷新品种济谷12号
| 9. | Study on origin myth of millet seeds shared by china ' s ethnic minorities 论中国少数民族谷种起源神话
| 10. | Aborigine - brewed millet liquor and yam liquor - cheap and tasty 原住民自酿的小米酒山药酒,物美价廉。