中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 厌恶人类者,厌世者(opp. philanthropist)。
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| someone who dislikes people in general 同义词:misanthropist,
例句与用法 | 1. | In moli re s comedy , le misanthrope . " i suppose so , " said andrea with a triumphant smile , " since i am accepted “我想是的, ”安德烈带着一个得意的微笑说, “因为我已经被她接受了。
| | 2. | No matter how much of a misanthrope you are there is such a thing as entropy and it will catch up with you sooner or later 不论你是一个多么不愿意与人交往的人,你迟早会被成千上百万条的信息包围。
| | 3. | Unlike bosons , fermions are misanthropes ; the pauli exclusion principle prohibits them from existing in the same quantum state 费米子与玻色子不同,它们喜欢离群索居,包立不相容原理禁止它们处于同一个量子状态。