| 1. | They were hanging in the misty clouds . 他们漂浮在白茫茫的云端。
| 2. | A misty morning may have a fine day . 一个多雾的早震仍可有一个晴朗的白昼。
| 3. | Misty it is still, glowing through clouds of dust and reek . 苍茫依然,光辉正穿透尘灰的层云。
| 4. | My glazed eye wandered over the dim and misty landscape . 我的迟钝的眼睛扫视着朦胧迷茫的景色。
| 5. | His eyes became misty . 他的眼睛模糊了。
| 6. | Her eyes were misty . 她眼泪汪汪的。
| 7. | Far in the distance lies the dongting lake , a vast expanse of misty , rolling waters . 远望洞庭,烟波浩渺。
| 8. | It was a misty afternoon, but the february sun shone dimly . 那是一个有雾的下午,但是二月的太阳还在淡淡地照着。
| 9. | The afternoon wore on, turning dark and misty about four o'clock . 下午四点钟左右,天开始变得黑下来,四周起雾了。
| 10. | She woke; while she was still misty and calling out dismally, and someone came knocking . 她醒过来;当她仍是模里糊涂并且惨叫着的时候,有人敲门了。