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发布时间:2021-03-03 作者: 英语查

mity 是什么意思




1.No matter the construction of the house , municipal utilities and mine project , and even the harnessing design of geological cala mity etc . , all will be done by us with same splendidness , we will offer the best products and the most high - quality service , making our customers and the customer ' s customer carefree

2.It explains tha the mity - based w system is a new methed and way for wtving cost hnt system of the modem enterprises ds having analsed in thcory and proved in praedce . it has irnportan meanin for reducing enwise cost and boving it ' s pidducs comive power . it also has consderable reference value to ghde cost management and cost control of chinse sepot enterprises

3.Secondly , the steps of the glass ' s image processing are discussed in detail . based on the experiments and the characteristics of interference fringe , we pre - process the images with median filter and image segmentation with dynamic threshold . after marking and thinning the resulted fringes , we analyze linearly the unifor mity of product ' s samples with the characteristics of the framework

上一篇: midinette是什么意思

下一篇: mention是什么意思
