| 1. | The word " monosyllable " actually has five syllables in it 单音节)这个字其实有五个音节
| 2. | On the grammaticalization mechanism of the monosyllable modal adverbs 单音节语气副词的语法化机制研究
| 3. | The way and character of changing from a monosyllable to disyllable in shiming 单音词扩展成双音词的途径与特点
| 4. | She found it difficult to obtain even a word from her beyond a monosyllable 达西小姐只是唯唯喏喏,此外你休想再逼得出她一句话来。
| 5. | But she had not , and she sat now , like a puppet , replying to his remarks in monosyllables 但是她没有忘记,她此刻像木偶似地坐着,对他说的话回答一两个字。
| 6. | The semantic characteristic of monosyllable verbs and its ' terms ' confirmation in quot; discussions about salt and iron quot 单音节动词的语义特征及其词项的确定
| 7. | He was a wooden - faced individual , extremely taciturn , and his contributions to the conversation were mostly monosyllables 他有一张非常独特的木纳的脸,极其的沉默,他说话时吐出来的总是一个一个的单音节。
| 8. | I was told that david doesn ' t like being interviewed . that he doesn ' t like interviews . that when he doesn ' t feel like talking , he answer with monosyllables . that he ' s got a temper 我听说大卫不喜欢接受采访。当他不喜欢说话的时候,他一般都回答得很简短。所以人们都说他脾气坏。
| 9. | The countess tried to make him talk , but he looked navely round him over his spectacles as though he were looking for some one , and replied in monosyllables to all the countesss questions 伯爵夫人想要他说话,但是他戴着眼镜稚气地向四周张望,好像在寻找某人似的,他简短地回答伯爵夫人提出的各种问题。
| 10. | The countess exchanged glances with anna mihalovna . anna mihalovna saw that she was asked to undertake the young man , and sitting down by him she began talking of his father . but to her as to the countess he replied only in monosyllables 安娜米哈伊洛夫娜心中明白,这是人家要她来接待这个年轻人,她于是就坐在他的近旁,开始提到他的父亲的事他如同回答伯爵夫人一样,只用三言两语来回答她的话。