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发布时间:2021-03-03 作者: 英语查
motiveless 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | occurring without motivation or provocation; "motiveless malignity"; "unprovoked and dastardly attack"- F.D.Roosevelt 同义词:unprovoked, wanton,
例句与用法 | 1. | With the application of fabric simulation technique , textile designation becomes quite easy and effective ; designer will be released from multifarious and trivial labor and have more time or energy to engage in conceiving production ; you can obtain realistic textile pictures and need not to weave out it actually , this will lead to a great many benefits : shorten produce period rapidly , reduce running expense sharply , fasten enterprise ' s reaction to marketing , make convenient for information communication and producers will free from motiveless manufacture . along with wild employment of electronic business , producers can utilize internet to put out newly products , do business and intercommunication 织物仿真技术的应用不仅可以提高纺织产品的设计效率,将设计人员从繁杂的劳动中解放出来、使之能够将更多的时间和精力投入到产品构思及开发中去,而且由于不必实际生产出样品就能够得到具有真实感的设计效果图,生产周期大大缩短,产品开发成本大幅降低;同时加快了企业对市场的反应速度,企业、供求之间的信息交流更加便捷、高效,消除了生产过程中的盲目性,增加了企业的竞争力。
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