| 1. | An ms - dos utility used to test and edit programs 一个测试和编写程序的dos工具。
| 2. | I knew exactly what ms . norbury was talking about 我完全明白诺贝利小姐在说什么
| 3. | Look at me , ms . i am fine without it 女士,就拿我来说不会武术不是一样好好活着
| 4. | A section of a longer ms or ph . d proposal 较长的硕士或博士论文提案的部分内容。
| 5. | Good at auto - cad , ms . office and word 具有良好的制图,办公自动化软件操作能力。
| 6. | Ms . fisher , would you be able to identify the man that you 费歇尔小姐,你能认出
| 7. | Analysis of waste gas of automobile using gc - ms 质谱联用分析汽车尾气中的有机物
| 8. | Study on li - series prepolymer by soft ionization ms 软电离质谱法研究锂系预聚物
| 9. | Ms word 31kb including the relevant schedule of service 48kb包括有关服务详情表
| 10. | Ms eva cheng , jp , secretary for transport and housing 运输及房屋局局长郑汝桦, jp