| 1. | Analysis of decorative art of mughal architecture 浅析莫泊桑小说中的隐藏艺术
| 2. | The taj , built in the 1600s by the mughal emperor shah jahan as a shrine for his wife , is a world heritage site 世界遗产泰姬陵是17世纪印度莫卧儿王朝的皇帝沙贾汗为爱妻修建的陵墓。
| 3. | Near the gardens of the taj mahal stands the important 16th - century mughal monument known as the red fort of agra 和泰姬花园毗邻的红色阿格拉古堡,是16世纪重要的莫卧儿王朝纪念建筑。
| 4. | Built by a mughal emperor as a mausoleum for his dead wife , the taj is one edifice that actually lives up to its press 莫卧儿皇帝为纪念自己逝去的爱妻而建造的泰姬陵至今仍为世人瞩目。
| 5. | The mughals also patronized this game , but the mughal card - sets differ from those of the ancient indian royal courts 莫卧儿王朝也赞同这种游戏,但莫卧儿时期的卡片集与古印度皇室有所不同。
| 6. | Emperor mohammad akbar the katehriyas rose in revolt but it was crushed by the mughal general almas ali khan 在mughal皇帝期间mohammad akbar王朝katehriyas上升了在反叛但它由mughal将军almas阿里khan击碎了。
| 7. | Was born in the mughal camps of emperor mohammad shah jahan 162858 ce some time during the first half of the seventeenth century 这是一个共同的假定, urdu出生在皇帝mohammad shah jahan mughal阵营1628 - 58某个时候在第十七个世纪的前半期间。
| 8. | Translate the following sentence into chinese , ‘ built by a mughal emperor as a mausoleum for his dead wife , the taj is one edifice that actually lives up to its press 泰姬陵是一个莫卧儿皇帝为其亡妻所建的陵墓,这座宏伟的建筑的确名不虚传。
| 9. | He was ultimately made the lawful governor of kateher by the mughal emperor , and the region was henceforth called rohilkhand i . e . " the land of the ruhelas " 他由mughal皇帝最后做了kateher合法的州长,并且区域从此称rohilkhand即。 " ruhelas的土地" 。
| 10. | The last mughal emperor bahadur shah zafar was a poet with unique style , typified by difficult rhymes , excessive word play and use of idiomatic language 最后mughal皇帝bahadur shah zafar是一位诗人以独特的样式,代表了由困难的押韵过份词对惯用语语言的戏剧和用途。