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发布时间:2021-03-03 作者: 英语查
murky 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. (murkier; -iest) 暗,阴暗的,(雾等)浓的;阴郁的;含糊的,暧昧的。 adv. -ily ,-iness n.
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| dark or gloomy; "a murky dungeon"; "murky rooms lit by smoke-blackened lamps" 同义词:mirky,
| | (of liquids) clouded as with sediment; "a cloudy liquid"; "muddy coffee"; "murky waters" 同义词:cloudy, muddy, mirky, turbid,
例句与用法 | 1. | This murky man still had work to do . 这个阴险的人物还有工作要做。
| | 2. | She had a decidedly murky past . 她的历史背景令人捉摸不透。
| | 3. | With that very murky background, what could he do ? 有着这样阴暗的背景,他别无他法。
| | 4. | The western half of the sky had by now grown murky . 西半的天空这时候也变得阴霾无光。
| | 5. | A murky red and yellow sky, and a rising mist from the seine, denoted the approach of darkness . 一种暗红而淡黄的天色和从塞纳河上升起的蒙雾,表示黑夜的来临。
| | 6. | They are asked to report any sharp rise or fall in the water table or if water bubbles in the well, becomes murky or changes in taste . 水位突然的上升或下降、水井冒泡、变浑或变味,他们都要报告。
| | 7. | If not , the outcome may be a lot murkier 而如不然,结果可能就会更加含糊不清。
| | 8. | Lt ' s murky when there ain ' t no girl involved , huh 没有女人了,就不正常了,是吗?
| | 9. | The baidu results page is a pretty murky prospect 百度的搜索结果比较含糊。
| | 10. | Lt ' s murky when there ain ' t no girl involved , huh 但涉及姑娘就模糊了,哈
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