| 1. | I ordered the myrmidons to stand down 我命令过密耳弥多涅斯人不得参战
| 2. | We need achilles and his myrmidons 我需要阿喀琉斯和他忠实的追随者
| 3. | The myrmidons didn ' t fight yesterday 密耳弥多涅斯人昨天没参战
| 4. | But you are not a myrmidon yet 你还不是我们迈密登战士的一员
| 5. | And you ' re a good student . but you ' re not a myrmidon yet 你是优秀的学生但还不是密耳弥多涅斯人战士
| 6. | I ordered the myrmidons to stand down . you led them into combat 我要求他们按兵不动,你却让他们战斗
| 7. | Myrmidons , my brothers of the sword . i ' d rather fight beside you than any army of thousands 迈密登的战士们,我宁愿跟你们并肩战斗也不愿跟数千军队在一起
| 8. | Myrmidons ! let no man forget how menacing we are , we are lions ! immortality ! take it ! it ' s yours 暂时没有双倍经验道具。不过我我们会把你的建议反馈给开发商。
| 9. | Myrmidons ! let no man forget how menacing we are , we are lions ! immortality ! take it ! it ' s yours 很不错的建议。等人数满足了新区的要求后,我们会认真考虑的。谢谢你的支持!