| 1. | Have the police nailed the man who did it ? 警方逮着作案的人了吗?。
| 2. | She was paring her nails with nail scissors . 她正在用指甲刀修指甲。
| 3. | You've got to bite on the nail now . 你现在不得不解决最棘手的事啦。
| 4. | He was biting his nails in his nervousness . 他神经质时咬着他的指甲。
| 5. | The box was corded, the card nailed on . 箱子用绳捆好,上面钉了名片。
| 6. | Every word he said hit the nail on the head . 他说的真是头头是道。
| 7. | They fought tooth and nail but lost . 他们竭尽全力拼搏,结果还是输了。
| 8. | She finally nailed me in the corridor . 她最后在走廊里把我抓住了。
| 9. | We had better then be as tough as nails . 我们最好要做到冷酷无情。
| 10. | Wash your hands and clean your nails . 把你的手洗一洗,并把指甲弄干净。