| 1. | It narrates the unconstitutional acts of james ii . 它历数了詹姆斯二世的违法行为。
| 2. | He narrated his own personal experience of the turkish bath . 他叙说自己洗蒸汽浴的感受。
| 3. | This article first narrates a plain unvarnished tale . 这篇文章首先讲述了一个朴实无华的故事。
| 4. | Love passages concerning io and europa have been narrated . 前文已经谈到他与伊俄和欧罗巴的恋爱经过。
| 5. | The dreams are so idiotic that i can hardly bring myself to narrate them . 这些梦非常无聊,我简直不大好意思讲。
| 6. | Victor henry narrated his bomber adventure in a matter-of-fact way . 维克多亨利实事求是地把他在轰炸机上的冒险经历叙述了一遍。
| 7. | Defoe vividly narrated the adventures of robinson crusoe on his desert island . 笛福生动地叙述了鲁浜逊克鲁索在荒岛上的冒险故事。
| 8. | Narrating i taught the boy what i knew about the game 我把我对比赛所知到教给本
| 9. | { matthew narrating ] we hardlyleft the apartment anymore 我们几乎都不离开公寓了
| 10. | [ zissou narrating ] our team included . . 我们的队员包括. . . (塞苏摄影队现貌)