| 1. | Charts are a map adapted specially for navigation . 航图是专门用于导航的一种地图。
| 2. | It is called celestial navigation . 它叫做天文导航。
| 3. | The compass made possible navigation out of sight of land . 罗盘使得远洋航行成为可能。
| 4. | There has been an increase in navigation through the canal . 通过那条运河的船数增多了。
| 5. | There has been an increase in navigation through the canal . 通过该运河的船只已经增加了。
| 6. | Temporary supports would have impeded navigation in the channel . 临时支架将妨碍河道航运。
| 7. | Most of the young men of this region go in for training in navigation . 这个地区的年青人大都去接受航海训练。
| 8. | Shifting bars are a hazard to navigation and expensive to regulate . 移动沙洲将危害通航,而且要花费资金进行整治。
| 9. | We look forward to finding further answers to the mystery of animal navigation . 我们期望进一步解开动物导航之迷。
| 10. | Naval officers must understand both the theory and the practice of navigation . 海军军官必须了解航海术的理论与实践。