| 1. | A bird chirped nearby somewhere . 一只小鸟在附近什么地方吱吱地叫着。
| 2. | Did george washigton sleep nearby ? 乔治华盛顿在附近过过夜吗?
| 3. | The lamp was disposed on a table nearby . 灯安放在附近的桌上。
| 4. | Distant water cannot quench a fire nearby . 远水不救近火。
| 5. | The fire spread from the factory to the houses nearby . 火从工厂蔓延到附近的房屋。
| 6. | A man nearby was watching forster with amusement . 近在身边的一个人望着福尔斯特直乐。
| 7. | Mr. harper bought out a nearby hardware store . 哈珀先生盘进附近一家五金店的全部货底。
| 8. | Where there is water nearby , make a special effort to breed fish . 守着水的地方要多养鱼。
| 9. | The nearby diners were staring at them and muttering . 附近就餐的人盯着他们,窃窃私语起来。
| 10. | "take it easy," a soldier said from a nearby cot . “不要紧张”,隔不远的一张床上有个弟兄说。