| 1. | Ned began to weep softly . 内德开始轻轻地哭泣。
| 2. | Ned currie was puzzled by the determination and abandon of his sweetheart and was also deeply touched . 内德居里被他情人的决心和一往情深所困惑,也深深地被感动了。
| 3. | Ned , i don ' t know if i really saw the bastard 尼德,我不知道是否真的见过那畜牲
| 4. | Here he is . come on . you okay , ned ? you okay 总算醒了,尼德,你没事吧?没事吧?
| 5. | Klaus is right . the flag needs a ned symbol 克劳斯说的没错这个旗帜上不能没有你
| 6. | Wake up , ned - o . i ' m sorry i yelled at you 醒醒,尼德对不起,我不该对你大声喊
| 7. | Look , ned . there ' s a sunken airplane down there 看,尼德,下面有架坠毁的飞机
| 8. | I don ' t know . maybe i ' ll stickwith ned for now 我也不知道我想现在还是先用尼德吧
| 9. | Widow woman , says ned , i wouldn t doubt her “孀居女人, ”内德说, “她干得出来。
| 10. | You see , ned and alice are moving to arizona 你知道爸爸和妈妈要搬到亚利桑那去了