| 1. | The strata of the region are divided into two structural layers : the basement rock consisting of metamorphic rock and cover layer of mesozoic and neozoic sedimentary rock . 将本区的地层划分为两个构造层:既变质岩系构成的基底构造层;中生代、新生代的沉积岩系构成的盖层构造层。
| 2. | The members of neozoic group “ life is beautiful ” stayed at the marco polo beijing on february 17 , 2006 , they were welcomed by the hotel ' s deputy general manager ms . jane zhou upon arrival 新生代创意组合“女生宿舍”于2006年2月17日下榻北京马哥孛罗酒店,受到酒店副总经理周桂兰女士的热情欢迎。
| 3. | Efficacy : neozoic nutritious essence touches off the fresh vitality as if it was a nutrient center that can supply neck with nutrient and moisture at any time , making skin fresh and soft 功效:新生代营养精华,触发新鲜活力,宛如一座营养聚集中心,及时补充颈部肌肤营养和水份;令肌肤绽放鲜活神采,柔滑细腻。
| 4. | This basin had undergone three phases , the rifting phase in permian , the depression phase from mesozoic to early neozoic and the phase which formed the intermountain basin by thrusting reformation latter neozoic 盆地演化经历了二叠纪裂谷盆地、中生界至新生界代早期的陆内坳陷盆地和新生代晚期的逆冲改造山间盆地三个阶段。
| 5. | Occurred in the neozoic , the strong himalayan movement made the first order and the second order structure units uplift to form maintains in the basin , which are unfav orable to preserve oil and gas 新生代发生的强烈的喜山运动,促使盆地内部各一、二级正向构造单元进一步冲断上隆、甚至生长为盆内山脉,对古油气藏保存不利。
| 6. | We have concluded that the structural movement of the area can be divided into three stages : the stretching stage from simian to early ordovician , the extrusion and rising stage from middle and late ordovician to jurassic and stable depressed stage of foreland basin slope from cretaceous to neozoic 经研究认为研究区的构造运动,主要分为震旦纪到早奥陶世的拉张阶段、中晚奥陶世到侏罗纪的挤压隆升剥蚀阶段以及白垩纪到新生代的前陆盆地斜坡稳定沉降阶段。
| 7. | Primarily summerization on geological characteristics and new progress in scientific research of these deposits are given in this paper , the author proposes that mineralogenesis of mpcd type gold deposit is closely related to meso - neozoic volcanic - subvolcanic action ( cryptoexplosive breccia ) , tectonic movement and maturation of organic material 本人概略介绍了其矿床地质特征、研究现状及其新进展,并明确提出了该类型金矿床的成矿与中新生代火山-次火山(隐爆角砾岩)作用、构造运动及有机质的作用息息相关。
| 8. | There is a north - north - east negative anomaly belt of aerial magnetism in the middle - east part of the basin , which could be displayed by the aerial magnetism of commutative field , upwardly continuation , lvt in earthquakes , the experimentation of granite liquation ( demagnetization ) , the distribution of neozoic era volcanic rock , earthquake , hot spring and ground feature . the anomaly shows the blocking in east - west direction , and it is also associated with intense activity of deep heat interaction and the development of the crust - mantle mixed layer in the north qiangtang 从区域航磁、向上延拓、地震低速层、花岗岩熔融(退磁)实验、新生代火山岩的分布、地震、温泉、地貌等发现,盆地中东部存在一北北东向航磁负异常带,既显示出东西分块,也与北羌塘深部热力作用强烈活动、发育“壳幔混合层”有联系。