中文翻译与英英解释 | n. (pl. Nereids, Nereides) 1.【希腊神话】海中仙女。 2.〔n-〕【动物;动物学】沙蚕。
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In Greek mythology, the Nereids ( ; , sg. ) are sea nymphs (female spirits of sea waters), the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris, sisters to Nerites. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Tritons , nereids , and nymphs will always have a meaning on a fountain 海神特里同斯,女神涅瑞伊得斯还有水泽仙女他们总是与水息息相关。
| | 2. | While they were celebrating their victory , and jealously discussing who was to be his successor , thetis the nereid , foreseeing a civil war on olympus , hurried in search of the hundred - handed briareus 当他们欢庆胜利并且怀著猜疑妒忌之心讨论继承宙斯王位的人选时,海上女神特提斯看到奥林波斯山将爆发一场内战,便急匆匆把百臂巨人布里亚柔斯找来。